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The draft disorders and disorder criteria proposed by the DSM-5 Work Groups for new and existing mental disorders can be found on these pages. You will notice that the diagnostic chapters listed below are no longer organized according to DSM-IV. Instead, we have restructured the diagnostic chapters in DSM-5 to better reflect advances in our scientific understanding of psychiatric disorders, as well as to make diagnosis easier and more feasible for clinicians. You can read more about the proposed chapter structure by clicking here.
Proposed Draft Revisions to DSM Disorders and Criteria
Comment Deadline: June 15, 2012
The comment period has opened for the proposed changes to the diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. These revisions include the often-discussed revisions to criteria for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders, among other things. Comments related to specific diagnoses or non-diagnostic specific issues may be made via the link above. The work group members will review all feedback and make decisions about further revisions based in part on the comments provided as well as on results from field trial testing, which is currently underway.