Family Voices Indiana shares this opportunity from the US Department of Health and Human Services
You’re invited to:
Interactive Conference Calls on the Health Care Law
Hosted By the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
June 19, 2:00 pm – The Health Care Law 101 (in Spanish)
June 21, 4:00 pm – Tour of
July 19, 12:30 pm – The Health Care Law 101 (in English)
July 24, 2:00 pm – The Health Care Law 101 (in Spanish)
To participate in one of the conference calls, please select your preferred date from the list above and submit the necessary information.
If you have any additional questions or difficulties, please email
(Dial-in information will be made available upon receiving your RSVP.)
Did you know...?
- young adults can stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age of 26, even if they don’t live at home or are married?
- there is now a plan for people with pre-existing conditions to access health insurance called the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan?
There are millions of people who lack access to health care, essential for healthy children, families and communities, throughout the United States. Many families don’t know what their options are to access better care.
NOW YOU CAN LEARN MORE about many provisions that are currently in place that could help you or community.
The Affordable Care Act expands access to care, ends abuses of insurers, and makes health care more affordable. The law helps those with pre-existing health conditions, people who are under age 26 and without health insurance, the most vulnerable in our society and those who are currently insured. To learn more about the health care law and how to access health care benefits in your community, RSVP to attend our conference calls from the dates listed above.