Family Voices Indiana shares the following information regarding the Affordable Care Act decision expected to be released this week.......You can read more about the ACA on here on our blog:
The Supreme Court is expected to announce its decision on the health care reform law this Thursday, 6/28, at about 10:00 AM ET. Below are some resources that will help you to understand the decision. (Dates assume that the decision is, in fact, issued on Thursday.) :
Kaiser Health News will be holding a live video webcast at 4 p.m. ET Thursday, featuring KHN and SCOTUSblog reporters & analysts. Go to http://www.kaiserhealthnews. org/Judging-The-Health-Law. aspx?utm_source=khn&utm_ medium=internal&utm_campaign= skybox for the webcast and a number of background articles on the law and potential consequences of its being overturned.
A clear explanation of the issues up for review by the Court has been done by the National Health Law Program, and can be found at images/stories/2012_06_ACA_ SCOTUS_Overview.pdf.