Family Voices Indiana shares the following quarterly report from DDRS (embedded below). Some of the highlights include:
Webinar: Autism and Developmental Disabilities waivers combine
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Service (DDRS) with the Autism Society of Indiana and Indiana Resource Center for Autism hosted a webinar on May 30, 2012, to discuss the combining of the Autism and Developmental Disability Medicaid Waivers. The webinar has been posted to the DDRS website on the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) webpage. Questions posed during the webinar have also been posted with answers from DDRS, the Autism Society of Indiana and the Indiana Resource Center for Autism.
Waiver Amendments
The amendment for the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (formerly the DD Waiver) has been
posted the to the DDRS Draft Policy webpage. The expected effective date is September 1, 2012, pending
CMS approval. The Family Supports Waiver, located on the BDDS webpage has been approved by CMS with
an effective date of September 1, 2012.
DDRS has updated the Statistics webpage to include the total number of individuals placed on a waiver
weekly, monthly and yearly. This information will be updated at the beginning of every week.
Wait List Letters
DDRS has been working to make some positive changes in its service delivery to consumers. In preparation for
these changes, DDRS is making an effort to ensure that the Medicaid Waiver Wait List is as up to date as
possible. Over 19,000 letters and Waiver Wait List Status Forms were sent to consumers whose names were
listed on the Wait List in March 2012, asking them to:
1. Review and update their contact information (if necessary) on the Waiver Wait List Status Form
2. Indicate their desire to remain on the Waiver Wait List on the Waiver Wait List Status Form
3. Contact their local BDDS office if interested in placement into group homes
DDRS has had a very positive response, and as of July 12, 2012, staff has updated 16,042 consumers’
information. As a result thus far, there have been 1,899 consumers’ names removed from the Waiver Wait
List because:
they indicated they desired to be removed3
they were already on the Waiver for which they were on the Wait List, or
they were no longer living at the address DDRS had on file, and there was no other address in our
If you did not receive an initial Wait List Letter and believe you should have, please contact your local BDDS
office to determine if you are in our data system. A FAQ about the Wait List letter is available on the
Announcements page.
Housemate Survey & Matching Process
A housemate matching process was recently established to assist individuals looking for roommates.
Questionnaires were sent to individuals that may be currently seeking housemates or may wish to add a
housemate in the future. The information collected will be put into a database. In the future, individuals or
teams will be able to request a review of the information submitted by potential housemates. Personal
identification will not be released in the review process. With consent of both parties, the individuals’ names
will be released and case managers will facilitate introductions with the individuals and their teams.
90-Day Checklist
As of June 16, 2012 case managers began using an updated version of the 90-Day Checklist when conducting
their quarterly reviews with individuals’ support teams. DDRS has made considerable efforts to make the 90-
Day Checklist and the case management’s review process more meaningful. Links to the updated 90-Day
Checklist and the accompanying interpretive guidelines have been added to the BDDS webpage.
BQIS’s Mortality Review Committee (MRC) reviews deaths of all individuals who received DDRS-funded
services and provides systemic and provider-specific recommendations to mitigate future deaths from
occurring due to the same or similar circumstances. BQIS will post supporting data and systemic
recommendations resulting from these reviews on a quarterly basis. While the mortality data presented on
the BQIS webpage may pertain to comorbid conditions that are not directly attributable to the cause of death,
providers’ further examination is warranted as the risks involved with these conditions may have contributed
to the cause of death. The expectation is for providers to increase its staff’s awareness of the issues discussed
and to identify and make necessary systems changes to prevent future deaths and other negative outcomes
for individuals.