Family Voices Indiana shares the following information regarding DDRS new health home initiative. DDRS is in the process of developing a proposal to submit to CMS for approval.
You can find the powerpoint embedded below.
According to the powerpoint:
The Affordable Care Act authorized a health home provision [Sec. 2703 & Sec. 19459(e)] that enables states to build a person-centered care system to improve outcomes for beneficiaries and ensure better services and value for state Medicaid and other programs
Health homes are an evolution of the medical home model; health homes are intended for individuals with chronic conditions with care coordination efforts incorporating all the medical, behavioral health, and social supports and services needed by a beneficiary.
Care coordinators will be augmented by existing case management and encompass services outside the waiver such as primary care and preventative services
Who will be eligible? Per CMS, the target population must consist of individuals eligible under the State plan or “under a waiver of such plan” who have: at least two chronic conditions, as listed in section 1945(h)(2) of the Act; one chronic condition and be at risk for another; or one serious and persistent mental health condition.
DDRS is proposing a statewide implementation of health home services for individuals with a co-occurring developmental disability (DD) who are at risk for developing another chronic health condition
As Family Voices Indiana gets more information, we will share it with you.