DDRS has reinvigorated the Powerful Parents Groups throughout the state as a grass roots effort to meet face-to-face with parents and families of adults and children with developmental disabilities. Our purpose is to disseminate information, gather feedback and stimulate bonding among parents. Through these groups, DDRS hopes to:
- make DDRS plans and initiatives more transparent in how they affect consumers and families
- create a network of family contacts within BBDS districts, including more rural areas
- share information on available resources for families
- listen to how DDRS can make connections for consumer and family needs
Upcoming MeetingsAll meetings are from 6 to 7:30 pm local time unless noted otherwise. Meetings with fewer than 10 RSVP’s are subject to cancellation. Please check web page frequently for updates. Please e-mail your RSVP to PowerfulParents@fssa.IN.gov
October 10 Madison Hoffman Room, gate waiver granted (no charge to park)
Clifty Falls Inn
1650 Clifty Hollow Dr.
Madison, IN 47250
Capacity 35, RSVP by October 9
October 18 Richmond Municipal Building Community Room, 2nd floor, last room on Right
Richmond Municipal Building
50 N. 5th Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Park in the front and use the police entrance (West doors)
Capacity 30, RSVP by October 15
October 10 Madison Hoffman Room, gate waiver granted (no charge to park)
Clifty Falls Inn
1650 Clifty Hollow Dr.
Madison, IN 47250
Capacity 35, RSVP by October 9
October 18 Richmond Municipal Building Community Room, 2nd floor, last room on Right
Richmond Municipal Building
50 N. 5th Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Park in the front and use the police entrance (West doors)
Capacity 30, RSVP by October 15
You can apply for the Family Voices Indiana leadership fund to support your participation.