Information for children with A&D waiver being targeted for Family Supports waiver

Family Voices Indiana has been getting calls from families that have children currently on the Aged and Disabled (A&D) waiver and have been targeted for the Family Supports waiver. We, along with ASK and the Arc,  have sought clarification from Division of Aging and BDDS (Bureau of Developmental Disabilities) about that process and what the family can expect.

If your child is on the Aged and Disabled waiver, you should have a review of eligibility for level of care for that waiver every six months. At some point, if your child’s condition has improved, you might have been notified of a waiver transfer, allowing you to stay on the Aged and Disabled waiver until a more appropriate waiver was available.

Some of those individuals are now being targeted for the Family Supports waiver because they applied for that waiver as well due to the developmental needs of the child. Those families are being asked to sign paperwork to begin an eligibility screen for the Family Supports Waiver when targeted:

·         If your child still meets level of care for the Aged and Disabled waiver, which is determined by an eligibility screen for nursing facility level of care (typically a need for skilled nursing in absence of the primary caregiver) then you can go through the process for the Family Supports waiver and then determine, with assistance from the state, which waiver best meets your child’s needs. If you meet level of care for Aged and Disabled and feel it best meets your child’s needs, you can remain on that waiver as long as your child continues to meet level of care for that waiver.

·         If your child no longer meets level of care for the Aged and Disabled waiver, primarily those who only need assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, toileting, etc) due to developmental needs and not medical needs, then you will need to see if your child is eligible for the Family Supports waiver and move to that waiver. If you no longer meet level of care for Aged and Disabled, and refuse the Family Support waiver even if your child qualifies for it, then you might lose all waiver services b/c your child is no longer eligible for A&D.
In instances where you are told that your child no longer meets level of care for the A&D waiver, you should receive a level of care review form outlining why your child no longer meets level of care and an explanation from your child’s case worker. That notice should contain information about how to appeal the decision, which is your right. If you did not receive this notice, you should ask your case manager for it.

If you were in this situation recently, and declined Family Supports even though your child was eligible, and you have changed your mind, you might be able to still obtain that waiver. You should talk to your local BDDS office.

If you were in this situation recently, and accepted the Family Supports waiver, but you feel your child is eligible for the A&D and you were not given sufficient information, or ability to appeal, you can talk to your AAA (Area Agency on Aging) about the notification and appeal process.

If you need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at 317 944 8982


Serena Sturgeon said…
My child is on an A@D waiver, he has Autism, MR, and mood disorder. He received this waiver in 2008. Nothing about his condition has changed he has always met the level of care to remain on this waiver. Now all the sudden they're saying he no longer meets the level of care (with no explanation) and says he will be targeted in the future for a Family Support Waiver that cuts his budget 75%. Also on the A@D waiver I am able to be his paid caregiver which has worked out wonderfully. Will I be able to continue to be his paid caregiver under the Family support waiver? Also the CIH waiver????? why would the state be targeting people to change waivers already if they don't have their ducks in a row? This waiver is still being determined and is NEEDED as supports to the FSW is not enough:( Where is the person centered planning in all of these changes?
Feel free to contact us if you need assistance. 317 944 8982
Madeline said…
Nice post it is very helpful for me I have some important information in your blog its very helpful for me.
Baby Health