Family Voices Indiana encourages its members to attend Powerful Parents meetings when possible. As they have ended for the 2012 calendar year, this notice was sent as a summary from DDRS:
The 2012 Powerful Parents meetings have concluded for the year. The meetings covered information about Case Management, Housemates/OBA and Transportation, along with a recap of the new DDRS Medicaid Waivers (Family Supports Waiver (FSW) and Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH).
Many questions were posed by parents during the meetings that took place throughout the state this fall. DDRS collected the general questions and answers into a document entitledPP_Q-A_Fall_2012, made available at 3355.htm#Powerful_Parents. (Individual-specific questions were answered personally.)
Listed below are the handouts given at each meeting, found at the following links:
o BDDS Waiver FAQ (11/27/12)
o Case Management Announcement 8-24-12
o Changes_to_OBA_YR_3_8-24-12_ updated
o PAC_Transportation_ Announcement_8-24-12_updated
You are welcome to contact with questions or comments. Please check the web page periodically for updates.