Family Voices Indiana shares the embedded DDRS quarterly report with its members. Items of interest include:
DDRS Initiatives A DDRS Initiatives section has been added to the DDRS website, which includes informational webpages for Supervised Group Living Conversions, Health Homes and the Balancing Incentive Program. All three pages will be updated with information for providers, consumers and families as each initiative progresses.
Employment Services and Innovation (ESI) In July 2012, the Employment Services and Innovation Program launched the Indiana Training and Employment Results Network (INTERN). INTERN is an internship to employment program that provides employment opportunities to people with disabilities within state government and with employers who are located at the Government Center (i.e., Pitney Bowes). Candidates are referred to the INTERN program by either a state Vocational Rehabilitation counselor or by a Community Rehabilitation Provider. Once accepted into the program, the candidates are matched to appropriate internship opportunities that could lead to full time employment. Since July, there have been 15 full time hires and one part-time hire of the program candidates. Primary disability of the placed INTERN candidates: Physical: 8, Cognitive: 5, Mental Illness: 3.
Powerful Parents Groups In 2013, Powerful Parents groups throughout the state will continue to hear about DDRS’ program/policy changes or updates, have an opportunity to have their questions answered, and engage in networking opportunities with other parents, guardians, and family members of individuals with developmental disabilities.
This year’s topics cover: Supervised Group Living (SGL) home converting to Medicaid Waiver homes The State’s proposal to implement Health Homes, which is a service that provides coordinated health care to individuals with chronic conditions
Note: The State is only proposing health homes at this time, and will be submitting its proposal to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as part of its State Plan Amendment (SPA) for Health Homes. A copy of the proposed SPA and final documents, as well as other information for families, providers, and stakeholders, will be published to the Health Homes webpage as they are submitted to and approved by CMS.
Upcoming meetings include visits to Richmond, Evansville, Terre Haute, Valparaiso, and South Bend and for more information on specific dates, which are listed for the upcoming month, please visit our Commissions and Councils page of DDRS’ website. Parents and family members who wish to attend a meeting in their area must RSVP by the date listed, as space is limited. Please RSVP and send questions or comments to
2014 BRS State Plan Public Hearings Three public hearings will be held April 29 and 30, 2013 throughout the state. Each hearing will have a webinar option for the public to access and leave their comments. On May 2, 2013 there will be a conference call option for the public to call in and leave their comments. Comments in writing will be accepted through May 3, 2013. People are encouraged to review the draft plan and offer comments. Additional information on the events can be found in the following webpage.
INDATA Full Day Trainings The INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads provides Full Day Assistive Technology Trainings, to the general public, five times each year. These full day trainings focus on a particular type of assistive technology (learning disability systems, apps, low-tech, etc.) and are held at Easter Seals Crossroads’ location in Indianapolis. Participants also have the option of attending trainings via a live web-streaming, which is archived for later viewing. Weekly tech tips are also available via the INDATA Project’s YouTube channel.
Staff’s Children in Consumers’ Homes
Over the past several months the Bureau of Quality Improvement Services (BQIS) has become aware of multiple instances of provider staff bringing their children to work with them in consumers’ homes. It is understandable that this contact may provide consumers opportunities to increase their social skills.
However, staff supervising their children while also being paid to provide services is a conflict of interest for the provider and has the potential to result in negative outcomes for consumers. Providers should be aware that BQIS will investigate any negative outcomes occurring when a staff’s child was in the consumer’s residence as neglect (as defined in 460 IAC 6-3-36), due to the potential decrease in staff’s ability to provide appropriate supports, supervision, food, or medical care. In addition to which, staff bringing visitors, adults or children, into a consumer’s home creates the potential for breaches in consumers’ confidentiality, along with potential HIPAA violations due to visitors unwittingly being exposed to protected health information.
Clarification of DDRS’ Policy on the Use of Restrictive Interventions and Psychotropic Medication Management Plans To assure consumers’ health and welfare, there a number of protective measures that must be in place when a consumer uses psychotropic medications. DDRS expects that teams supporting consumers who have been prescribed psychotropic medications have established systems to routinely review the medication’s effectiveness on the consumer, appropriate medication dosage, and need for continued use of the medication. To meet the state’s ongoing need to assure consumers’ health and welfare, all consumers prescribed psychotropic medications must have a Medication Management Plan in place prior to, and throughout the duration of time that a consumer is taking a psychotropic medication. These are requirements are specifically addressed in 460 IAC 6-18-2 and the DDRS Policy on Use of Restrictive Interventions