Family Voices Indiana shares the following opportunity for family members to develop leadership skills:
I am writing to update you about an opportunity for Family Leaders to serve as Fellows as part of the Riley Child Development Center’s LEND. Successful candidates should be parents of children who have disabilities or special health care needs who are interested in growing their role in the services and systems that impact families. We will have at least one and possibly 2 slots available for Fellows for the 2013/2014 year. We would like candidates to be available to participate in our interdisciplinary cohort of trainees via the didactic sessions:
Full days August 23rd and 24th (the 24th is a Saturday)
Afternoon sessions 1-5 PM ;
2/21/14 ;
Full day April 25th
Beyond those dates Fellows would dedicate an additional 250 hours within a 12 month period to a combination leadership experience as related to children and youth who have neurodevelopmental disabilities including Autism. We have significant flexibility around days or the weeks Fellows meet those hours and the commitment beyond the didactic sessions. Some portion of the hours can be fulfilled offsite. Family Fellows receive an hourly pay rate in an effort to support the commitment. Please let me know what questions I can answer.
Rylin Rodgers
Training Director
Family Leadership Coordinator
Riley Child Development Center
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders
705 Riley Hospital Drive
Rm 5837
Indianapolis, IN 46202
FAX: 317-944-9760