Family Voices Indiana received several inquires regarding caregiver support/respite and sought clarification from DDRS.
Family Voices Indiana shares the following information from DDRS:
Family Voices Indiana shares the following information from DDRS:
Each year the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative
Services (DDRS) has made limited
program funding available for Caregiver Support Services, which many families and individuals
across Indiana have been able to utilize. These funds are typically available in July of each year,
however, DDRS has received valuable suggestions from the families using this service and we
want to ensure that we explore those ideas thoroughly. One of the concerns presented by
several families is the burden imposed when asking families to come into the local offices and
wait for several minutes or hours to process your application.
DDRS will be taking some time to thoughtfully evaluate the application process and how best to
serve our constituents. While some of you may be disappointed that applications will not be
available in July, it is our hope that we create an application process that is easier and more
accessible to individuals requesting Caregiver Support Funds. We plan to continue working on
this expeditiously and have applications available September 1, 2013
program funding available for Caregiver Support Services, which many families and individuals
across Indiana have been able to utilize. These funds are typically available in July of each year,
however, DDRS has received valuable suggestions from the families using this service and we
want to ensure that we explore those ideas thoroughly. One of the concerns presented by
several families is the burden imposed when asking families to come into the local offices and
wait for several minutes or hours to process your application.
DDRS will be taking some time to thoughtfully evaluate the application process and how best to
serve our constituents. While some of you may be disappointed that applications will not be
available in July, it is our hope that we create an application process that is easier and more
accessible to individuals requesting Caregiver Support Funds. We plan to continue working on
this expeditiously and have applications available September 1, 2013