Family Voices Indiana is sharing the official notes from the Health Finance Commission meeting on July 22, 2013.
Information that is probably of most interest to our families includes:
Health Insurance Exchange
Mr. Logan Harrison, Indiana Department of Insurance (1001), testified that the 1001 actuary has concluded that insurance rates in Indiana will increase an average of 72% and small group insurance rates in Indiana will increase 8% on average for the 2014 plan year as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Mr. Harrison pointed to several possible reasons for the projected 72% increase, including the implementation of the following under the ACA: (1) an annual fee on health insurance providers; (2) a temporary reinsurance program collection; and (3) an excise tax on high value plans. See Exhibit 2. Mr. Harrison also discussed market issues, including guarantee issuance, morbidity, and the closing of Indiana's high-risk insurance pool. Mr. Harrison stated that 17 companies have withdrawn from Indiana's individual health insurance market.
Mr. Harrison testified that HEA 1328-2013 ensures that 1001 maintains jurisdiction for all Indiana plans, including licensure, rate review, financial solvency, and coordination with the Indiana federally facilitated health insurance exchange (Exchange). Mr. Harrison stated that Indiana has until July 31, 2013 to submit final rate dispositions to the federal government. Mr. Harrison noted that the federal government will review all of the plans to determine what plans will be offered in the Exchange. Mr. Harrison briefly discussed Indiana's decision not to operate a state-based exchange, insurance companies that potentially will participate in the Exchange, the various plan levels to be offered, and the geographic coverage areas. See Exhibit 2. Mr. Harrison said that 1001 has traveled the state to conduct informational sessions for individuals who will be losing coverage in the high-risk insurance pool.
You can find notes for the entire meeting here:
The third meeting of the Health Finance Commission will be held on August 21,
2013. The meeting will convene at 10:00 A.M. in the Senate Chambers of the
State House, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, Indiana.
Tentative agenda items include the following:
(1) follow-up testimony concerning previously heard issues concerning:
(A) ambulatory outpatient surgical centers;
(B) Health Insurance Exchanges; and
(C) free and reduced lunch school programs;
(2) the disposal of used prescription drugs;
(3) adult and children immunizations;
(4) the use of, and statutes concerning, tanning beds;
(5) traumatic brain injury issues; and
(6) Medicaid update from Medicaid Managed Care Organizations
Please contact Casey Kline at: (317) 233-9454 if you wish to be placed on the
agenda to testify on a listed issue at the meeting. If testifying and using written
materials, please provide a copy of the materials in advance to Casey Kline as it is
helpful for Commission members to receive the materials in advance of the
(The meeting will be broadcast over the Internet for those unable to attend. Please
visit and select the video stream for the
appropriate room from the drop down list to watch the Webcast.)