Managed Care Survey

Family Voices shares the following information from The Arc of Indiana:

To provide input to the state on the issue of a Medicaid managed care program for the aged, blind and disabled, please participate in the
Aged, Blind and Disabled Study Survey by clicking on this link:

Self-Advocates of Indiana is also developing a survey to gather input specifically from people with developmental disabilities.

In addition, a public input session will be held on Friday, August 19, 9:30am in Government South Conference Room A. 

Following are the questions that you will have the opportunity to respond to in the state survey:

·         What is the most important goal/outcome that a Medicaid managed care program for the aged, blind and disabled should strive to achieve?
·         What difficulties exist in achieving comprehensive coordinated care for aged, blind and disabled Medicaid enrollees?
·         What works today in the delivery and management of care for aged, blind and disabled enrollees that should be preserved?
·         How should quality outcomes of a managed care program for the aged, blind and disabled be measured?
·         What are the advantages and/or disadvantages to a risk based managed care model for the aged, blind and disabled?
·         What are the advantages and/or disadvantages to a managed fee-for-service model for the aged, blind and disabled?
·         What are the advantages and/or disadvantages to a home and community based services model for the aged, blind and disabled?
·         Should participation in Medicaid managed care for the aged, blind and disabled population be mandatory or voluntary?
·         How should participation in Medicaid managed care for the aged, blind and disabled population be implemented?
·         Should any population(s) be excluded?
·         Should any services be carved out from the managed care model?
