When Congress is on recess, Aug. 3-Sept. 8, most lawmakers return to their home states to connect with their constituents.
That makes recesses a great opportunity to invite your members of Congress to an event, set up a meeting at their local office, attend a town hall event, or find other personal ways to deliver your messages about the issues facing families and individuals with special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Use these tips and tools to meet with your members of Congress while they're home on recess. If you need additional guidance, feel free to contact us: 317 944 8982 info@fvindiana.org
· Be Professional and courteous and polite.
Let them know from the beginning why you are visiting or contacting them.
· Be Brief.
Give your position and make your point as clearly and concisely as possible. Their schedule is at least as busy as yours.
· Be Logical.
An emotional appeal is not enough. Back your arguments with facts and substance. Explain how proposed legislation will affect you.
· Educate them about the issues.
They have to make decisions on hundreds of issues each legislative session and they need credible information from you to help them with their decisions. If you give them valid information, they will continue to use you as a resource in the future.
· It’s ok to research.
When asked a question, answer it briefly, but answer it. If the question requires some research, say so, and be sure you get back to them. Restate your position.
Thank them for any work or assistance they have done on your behalf. Be calm. Remember they are people just like you!
Contact info for the Senate:
United States Senate
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
The Honorable Daniel Coats (R-IN)
United States Senate
493 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1401
The Honorable Joe Donnelly (D-IN)
United States Senate
B33 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1404
United States House of Representatives
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 ■ Washington, DC 20515
Who is my Congressman?
Dist 1 Peter J. Visclosky (D)
2256 Rayburn House Office Building
202-225-2461 or 219-795-1844
Dist 2 Jackie Walorski (R)
419 Cannon House Office Building
Dist 3 Marlin Stutzman (R)
1728 Longworth Office Building
202-225-4436 or 260-424-3041
Dist 4 Todd Rokita(R)
236 Cannon Office Building
202-225-5037 or 317-718-0404
Dist 5 Susan Brooks (R)
1505 Longworth House Office Building
202-225-2276 or 317-848-0201
Dist 6 Luke Messer (R)
508 Cannon House Office Building
Dist 7 Andre Carson (D)
2453 Rayburn House Office Building
202-225-4011 or 317-283-6516
Dist 8 Larry Bucshon (R)
105 Longworth House Office Building
202-225-4636 or 812-465-6484
Dist 9 Todd Young
1007 Longworth House Office Building