Family Voices Indiana shares the following announcement from DDRS:
To: Individuals residing in Supervised Group Living
From: Nicole Norvell, Director, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services
Re: UPDATED consumer information regarding changes SGL conversion project
Date: September 10, 2013
In a letter you received from our offices, dated April 23, 2013, it was indicated that all
individuals living in group homes would transition to Home and Community Based Services
through the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services’ (DDRS) Community Integration
and Habilitation waiver (CIH) over the course of the next two years.
As the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) has undergone a change in
administration with the appointments of Secretary Debra Minott and myself as Director of
DDRS, this effort, known as the Group Home Conversion Project, has been reevaluated. Upon
review, the decision has been made to take a different approach by making the provider’s
decision to convert voluntary rather than mandatory.
Moving forward, DDRS will present options to individuals residing in Supervised Group Living
(SGL) homes that are voluntarily converting. Individuals may either chose to enroll in, and
receive, waiver-funded services in the same or another location, or to continue receiving
services through the SGL program by relocating to an alternate SGL setting. The choice will be
based upon the individual’s needs and desires.
You will be notified by your group home provider if it opts to transition to waiver services. The
provider will then hold an informational meeting for guardians and individuals to explain the
transition process and answer any questions you may have. You may also wish to review our
frequently asked questions that have been posted to the DDRS’ Supervised Group Living
Conversion webpage.
Individuals who choose to transition from group home to waiver services will receive a CIH
waiver. With the CIH waiver, individuals and families will have greater choice and control over
their services, supports and living situation. They may also select providers for a variety of day
programming, behavior management and residential services. In addition, individuals will have
the opportunity to receive new services that may not have been available in their group home
such as music therapy, supported employment or recreational therapy.
If an individual chooses to transition to the CIH waiver, he/she will:
Choose a provider of case management services
Choose the members of his/her Individualized Support Team
Participate in the development of his/her Individualized Support Plan (ISP)
Choose the provider(s) of services that are identified in the ISP
Work with his/her case manager and provider to choose a new residence
Overall, the individual’s day and service mix under the waiver may look very similar to what it
had been in the SGL or it may look very different based upon the services identified in the ISP.
If a provider chooses not to convert its SGL home(s) to a program funded by the CIH waiver,
individuals may still choose to transition to waiver services. We will be working to provide
information to all residents of SGL homes on their choices and options regarding transitioning
to waiver services.
Indiana places great value on individual choice and this change in direction will allow all
individuals and their guardians to be fully informed about – and take advantage of – the varying
service options that exist.
For more information, please visit our