Family Voices Indiana shares this announcement from DDRS:
As indicated in the announcement dated June 4, 2013, DDRS has evaluated the conversion
process and has determined that the decision to convert Supervised Group Living home
providers (SGL) to Medicaid waiver-supported living services is voluntary rather than
mandatory. Via grant funds, the State will assist providers in the voluntary conversion of their
group home beds into Medicaid Waiver slots.
Risk mitigation grants are to be utilized by providers to offset allowable expenses incurred while
transitioning individuals from a group home setting to receiving Medicaid waiver-supported living
services. It is not intended that these Risk mitigation grants will cover profit loss attributed to
consumers’ transitions to waiver services.
If a provider elects to convert its SGL home beds to Medicaid waiver slots, the SGL residents in
those homes will be given the option to transfer to another SGL setting or access DDRS’
Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) waiver. If the consumer elects to access the CIH
waiver, he/she will:
choose where he/she will reside;
choose a provider of case management services;
choose the members of his/her individualized support team (ISP);
participate in the development of his/her ISP;
choose the provider(s) of services that are identified in the ISP.
Overall, the consumer’s day and service mix under the waiver may look very similar to what it
had been in the SGL or it may look very different based upon the services identified in the ISP.
If a provider chooses not to convert its SGL home beds to Medicaid waiver slots, individuals
may still choose to transition to receiving services through the CIH waiver. We will be working to
provide information to all residents of SGL homes on their choices and options regarding
transitioning to waiver services.
SGL providers who are seeking to close a licensed SGL and convert its existing occupied group
home beds to Medicaid waiver slots are asked to submit a letter of intent. The State will contact
providers upon receipt to schedule a time to discuss and further prepare providers for
submission of a full grant proposal.
Guidance regarding requirements for both letters of intent and proposals can be found on
DDRS’ Supervised Group Living (SGL) Conversions webpage