Family Voices Indiana recognizes that access to health insurance is critically important to the families we serve. We also recognize that navigating the ever changing options available to Hoosiers can be overwhelming. We share the following in an effort to help you:
Today, Governor Mike Pence announced that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved the Indiana’s Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) extension application for one more year, through December 31, 2014. You can read the details of the terms of the extension here: hip/files/IN_2014_HIP_ Extension_STCs_Final.pdf
A few nuts and bolts highlights:
If you are an adult earning below 100% FPL who currently has HIP, you can keep HIP, with its co-pays and coverage limits.
If you are an adult earning below 100% FPL who is waiting for HIP, you may be able to get HIP if there is a slot available. Slots are limited.
If you are an adult earning above 100% FPL without access to HIP, you can buy on the Marketplace with subsidies or credits up to 400% FPL.
Indiana Children will continue to have access to Medicaid, CHIP and the Marketplace.
Family Voices Indiana knows you will likely have individual questions; we are working hard to get more detailed information and are happy to connect you. Contact us or 317 944 8982