Resources for you

Each month, Family Voices Indiana provides the families we serve with a summary of the month’s hottest items. If you missed us on Facebook in September, here is the latest!

September Awareness:
Child Obesity Awareness Month. You can find information about healthy eating in this fact sheet from Bright Futures.

Craniofacial Acceptance Month. In Wonder, R.J. Palacio tells the story of Auggie, a tough, sweet, 10-year-old boy with craniofacial differences. Read more about Wonder in this interview with the author from NPR:

Infant Mortality Awareness Month. Moms and moms-to-be text BABY (or BEBE) to 511411 for free health and safety tips by text.

National #Preparedness Month. Preparing for all kinds of emergencies, both natural and human-made, makes sense for everyone, including people with disabilities and special needs and those who care for them.  Here are some tips to help people with disabilities and caregivers prepare for emergencies:

Newborn Screening Awareness Month. Learn more here:
National Direct Support Professional Recognition Week, September 8 – 14.
Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week, September 15-21. You can learn more here: and here:

September 9, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. You can learn more here:

September 11, National Day of Services and Remembrance.
Family Voices:
Check out our Family Voices Staff Spotlights! This month’s page featured specialist Ofelia Jimenez
Facebook fans liked our many inspirational quotes. Be sure to check out our page for a pick-me-up. Also, we encourage you to share our page with friends using the share or invite features!
"I ache for people to see the ability in my son's disability and treat him like other kids, rather than staring, pitying him or both. Yet in order for him to be more like other kids—and enjoy the same pleasures in life—he may need extra help at times. Accommodations do not make him separate; they make him more equal. They enable him to have the fun other kids do. And at Disney, they make his dreams come true."
Read the entire article here:
"This is called real-life parenting, the only kind I know. I am not supermom, super-human, super-saintly, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. In many ways, I am a mother like any other mother. In many ways, Max is a child like any other child. I'd so like people to see us both that way."
Read the article here:
Training and Learning Opportunities:
Family Voices works to fulfill our mission of empowering families by providing you with educational opportunities and resources. Check our website frequently for learning resources by visiting: This month, we shared the following on Facebook.
"Hidden disabilities can include depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders and a host of other mental health diagnoses. These disabilities are often lumped under the label of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). The term 'EBD' covers a range of behaviors from depression and anxiety to aggression and impulsivity. There are about two million kids in the U.S. with these emotional and behavioral disabilities." To learn more about hidden disabilities, read:
"Though caring adults wish they could shield children from trauma and from it’s bigger, meaner cousin, post-truamatic stress disorder (PTSD), the truth is that we can’t. But we can become educated about childhood trauma and PTSD to become better advocates on behalf of kids touched by these mental illnesses." Read the entire article here:
Puberty is a time of change for children, and often a time of challenge for parents looking for the "right" way to talk about the upcoming changes. It can be even more of a challenge for parents of children with developmental or physical disabilities. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Disabilities has created two toolkits, one for boys, and one for girls, that provide factual information about puberty. Topics include encouraging good hygiene, appropriate behavior, and how to deal with the body changes. The toolkits also suggest ways to approach these important conversations, especially with children with disabilities. You can download them here:
This article outlines 10 things you can do to support a person with challenging behaviors. It is not a list of “quick fix” strategies for stopping unwanted behavior. It is a list of ideas for uncovering the real things that a person might need so that you can be more supportive. It might be a helpful article to share with people who interact with your child. Read more at:
We've created a FB page for our Latino families who prefer information in Spanish and/or would like to connect with other families. Check it out:
Did you know we're on Pinterest, too? Check out our boards at
The ACA Marketplace opens October 1! As a Champion for Coverage, Family Voices is prepared to support consumers as they learn more about health care reform and shop for a plan. Visit our website: for more information. This page includes our newest resource, A Guide to Purchasing Health Care Insurance for Children with Special Needs:
A strong support network has many layers to ensure that when things fall apart, you always have someone to fall back on. Supercharge your support network by learning about the different layers of support that make up a good support system. For more information, visit:

Caregiver support is available for eligible families waiting for the Family Supports waiver. You can apply here:  Read the entire announcement here:
