Family Voices Indiana shares the following information from Covering Kids and Families:
October 10, 2013
The updated HIP application will be available on October 15. This application will be available at: 2332.htm. The HIP application will contain a supplemental form that contains additional information in order to comply with ACA and MAGI (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) methodology. The current HIP application is available for use and will be available at the website above until October 15.
An individual can reapply for HIP at any time. Please note that there are several changes to HIP effective 1-1-14. MAGI methodology will be used effective 1-1-14, and the income standard will decrease from 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) to 100%. There will be a 5% income disregard applied if the individual would have otherwise been ineligible (those having income between 100% - 105% FPL). If you believe the individual is over 105% FPL, the individual may want to consider applying for health coverage and financial assistance that may be available through the federal health insurance marketplace, rather than applying for HIP.
An individual who is discontinued or denied from Medicaid, HIP, or CHIP for non-procedural reasons (such as being over the income standard) will have their application and relevant information transmitted electronically to the federal health insurance marketplace for a determination of other health insurance affordability programs including Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) and Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR). This is done through an electronic interface (also known as an account transfer) between the Indiana Client Eligibility System (ICES) and the federal marketplace's system.
An individual can reapply for HIP at any time. Please note that there are several changes to HIP effective 1-1-14. MAGI methodology will be used effective 1-1-14, and the income standard will decrease from 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) to 100%. There will be a 5% income disregard applied if the individual would have otherwise been ineligible (those having income between 100% - 105% FPL). If you believe the individual is over 105% FPL, the individual may want to consider applying for health coverage and financial assistance that may be available through the federal health insurance marketplace, rather than applying for HIP.
An individual who is discontinued or denied from Medicaid, HIP, or CHIP for non-procedural reasons (such as being over the income standard) will have their application and relevant information transmitted electronically to the federal health insurance marketplace for a determination of other health insurance affordability programs including Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC) and Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR). This is done through an electronic interface (also known as an account transfer) between the Indiana Client Eligibility System (ICES) and the federal marketplace's system.