Family Voices shares this information from the Kaiser Family Foundation:
On September 3, 2013, Indiana obtained a one-year waiver extension from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with some amendments primarily related to who is eligible for coverage. CMS extended the plan “to not disrupt the coverage currently afforded in Indiana as the state continues to consider its coverage options.”1While this temporarily preserves coverage for many adults currently covered by the waiver, it also leaves many who would be eligible under the ACA’s full Medicaid expansion without access to new coverage options. The waiver also allows for higher-cost sharing than otherwise allowed under the Medicaid program. The state also will not be able to access the enhanced federal matching funds tied to new coverage that is available to states implementing the Medicaid expansion. Governor Pence remains committed to expanding Healthy Indiana and continuing discussions with CMS. This brief provides an overview of HIP and the implications of the waiver extension and Indiana’s decision to not implement the ACA Medicaid expansion.
Read the brief here: