Objective Based Allowance Guide from DDRS

Family Voices Indiana shares the following announcement from DDRS:

To: Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Providers and Stakeholders 
From: Nicole Norvell, Director, DDRS 
Re: Objective Based Allocations 
Date: January 22, 2014 
In an effort to better explain the Objective Based Allocation (OBA) process that is utilized by the 
Bureau of Developmental Disabilities (BDDS), the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative 
Services (DDRS) has posted a guide entitled “Objective Based Allocation, Assessment and Algo 
Development” to the DDRS Announcements page. The Division would like to thank its 
stakeholders who participated in the development of this guide to ensure that all individuals and 
families receiving services have a clearer understanding of the OBA process. 
