Family Voices Indiana shares the following announcement from the National Partnership:
Twenty-one years ago today, the National Partnership achieved one of its greatest victories when the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) became the law of the land.
We were the driving force behind that law, and we were right there in the Rose Garden with President Clinton when our nation took that historic step toward becoming a more healthy, fair and family friendly America. And we plan to keep fighting until our nation takes the next major step forward by passing paid family and medical leave… so the millions of people who need leave but cannot afford to take it without pay can care for their families too. Please stand with the National Partnership today and sign our paid leave petition in support of the Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act » When it comes to the critical, common sense solutions women and families need, we've got your back. With you by our side, we've been taking action since 1971 and we know how to get things done. That's why we helped draft and are proud to lead the coalition in support of the FAMILY Act, which would create the first-ever national paid family and medical leave insurance program. Now we’re talking, right?! You know the reasons: In the private sector, 88 percent of workers don't have paid family leave through their employers; 60 percent of workers don't have paid medical leave through their employers, and nearly 40 percent of workers don’t have a single paid sick day! And that's why we need you to urge your members of Congress to make paid family and medical leave a national priority. As President Obama said in his 2014 State of the Union address, "A mother deserves a day off to care for a sick child or sick parent without running into hardship. And you know what, a father does too. It is time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a 'Mad Men' episode." Please join us in taking action today. Thanks for all that you do. Sincerely, Debra Ness President P.S. Be sure to join us on Twitter at 3 p.m. ET today for a coalition "tweet storm" on paid leave by following the hashtags #FMLA21, #FAMILYAct, #paidleave. |