Each month, Family
Voices Indiana provides the families we serve with a summary of the month’s hottest
items. If you missed us on Facebook in January, here is the latest!
Family Voices:
Check out our Family Voices Staff Spotlights! This
month’s page featured specialists Cristy James, Heather Dane, and Elizabeth
Facebook fans liked our many inspirational quotes.
Be sure to check out our page for a pick-me-up. Also, we
encourage you to share our page with friends using the share or invite
"A grandchild with special needs will
change your life — but it’s up to you to determine if it will be a negative
change or a positive one." Read the article here: http://www.grandparents.com/family-and-relationships/caring-for-children/special-needs-three-a-different-kind. We also have a
guide for grandparents raising children with a disability: www.fvindiana.org/FactSheets/FS_Grandparents.pdf.
"Although most often the mother is the
primary caregiver of the child, we can’t forget about the dads. A dad is just
as important in the family status as the mother despite what society may claim.
Because of the lack of attention and help that Dads receive when
their child receives their diagnosis, I want to address some coping strategies
I believe many Dads will find beneficial." Read the article here: http://www.aboveallelseservices.com/autism-10-coping-skills-for-dad/. For Dads of children with Down Syndrome, be
sure to visit: http://www.dadsnational.org/. Down Syndrome Indiana is a good connector for local DADS groups.
"You are your kids’ parent first.
Advocate, teacher, and therapist are important roles, but they aren’t what you
ARE. Enjoy it." Read the list of things this mom wishes she had done as a
special needs parent from the beginning: http://bit.ly/1cT2fYE.
Training and
Learning Opportunities:
Family Voices works to fulfill our mission of
empowering families by providing you with educational opportunities and
resources. Check our website frequently for learning
resources by visiting: http://www.fvindiana.org/trainingThis month, we shared the following on Facebook:
Use this online resource from the Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to find mental health
treatment facilities and programs near you. Help is available for people with
limited resources who can’t afford to pay for services.
Having a child with challenging behavior can
affect the entire family, and family members often find the need for more
information and guidance in this difficult area. The resources listed below are
intended to connect families with resources and support. The
list isn’t intended to be exhaustive of the behavior resources available, but
it will certainly get you started and lead you to yet more information and
resources. http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/behavior-athome/
"Keeping warm over the winter months can
help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart
attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. If someone you are caring for has
special needs, they may be more vulnerable to cold-related illnesses,
so it’s really important to keep them wrapped up." Read more here: http://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2013/01/09/how-to-keep-children-adults-with-special-needs-warm-in-the-winter/.
Families with children with special health
care needs have additional things to consider when purchasing Marketplace
plans. Families will want to make sure that a local hospital, for example, is
in the network before they select a plan on the Marketplace. They will want to
check which physicians or other healthcare providers participate. Read more here.
Many individuals have been targeted for the
Family Supports waiver. However, many people have questions about this new leg
of the journey. We can help! As parents ourselves, many of us have children
with the waiver. We have a guide to help with both parts of the journey:
how to apply, and what happens once you're targeted. You can find our guide
here: http://www.fvindiana.org/Articles/Family_Supports_Waiver_Journey_1.pdf and http://www.fvindiana.org/Articles/Family_Supports_Waiver_Journey_2.pdf.
Have you recently learned your child has
autism? Hands in Autism offers FREE Next
Steps trainings around the state to help parents and caregivers learn more about
resources for your child. Find more information here: http://handsinautism.org/nextsteps.html.
"Your child isn’t born with a guide book
(that would be too easy) and when your child is diagnosed with autism – there
isn’t a go-to book that will tell you exactly what you need to do. But there
are many books that will help. Here are a few that have helped me
in the past, that are helping me now and preparing me for the future. Most
importantly, they will help your child gain confidence and as much independence
as possible." Read the list here: http://bit.ly/1kxZZzW.
Many churches are working to better include
children with special needs. Whether or not a church has taken steps to welcome
children with learning differences or disabilities, parents can proactively
prepare the children’s ministry team for their child’s
successful inclusion. Read the article here: http://ministry-to-children.com/taking-special-needs-child-to-a-new-church/.
Families who prefer
information in Spanish and/or would like to connect with other Latino families
are invited to check out our Spanish Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VocesDeFamiliaDeIndiana.
Check out our Pinterest
boards at http://pinterest.com/fvindiana/.
Did you know that we also have a Youtube
Channel? It houses our four training webinars about resources for children with
special health care needs. We also have playlists of other videos that might be
of interest to families. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/1a28nTM.
You can now sign up to receive updates (no
more than 1/wk) via text message! This new Family Voices Indiana service
provides families and professionals with specific information from Family
Voices Indiana programs including notices of upcoming trainings,
reminders, action alerts, and newly released Family Voices Indiana resources.
Your plan’s text messaging rates will apply. Simply text "FVIndiana"
to 313131 for English or "FVIndianaEs" to 313131 for Spanish.
As the state affiliate for Family Voices, we
are a grassroots advocacy organization that seeks to share opportunities and
updated information on issues that impact Indiana families of children with
disabilities or special needs. During the legislative session,
we will be sharing information via our blog and twitter. Be sure to follow us
if you'd like up to date information. www.fvindiana.blogspot.com https://twitter.com/FVIndiana
Family Voices encourages you to use your voice to influence care,
public and private policy, and educate others. In that vein, we strive to share
with you opportunities to collaborate with others to improve the systems we
engage. Here are some upcoming opportunities: