Coordinated Care for Indiana’s Medicaid Disabled Population

Family Voices Indiana attended the Aged, Blind, Disabled Task Force meeting this morning regarding managed care for this population.
House Enrolled Act 1328, passed in 2013, tasked FSSA 
to report on managing Indiana Medicaid aged, blind and disabled enrollees
• This process laid the foundation for FSSA’s recommendation to proceed with a new disabled 
coordinated care program

These are the slides and information from FSSA

Here is a link to the slides that Indiana Medicaid Director Joe Moser presented at today’s meeting on our plan for Coordinated Care for Indiana’s Medicaid Disabled Population.

Please email us here ( with any questions.

Also – please note our Name the Program Contest – referenced on Slide #39! There will be a prize for a winning name! Get your entries to us by June 1st!

Feel free to contact us as well if you have any questions: 317 944 8982
