Information for Families being Switched to #Medicaid #Disability

Family Voices Indiana has been getting calls from families being auto-enrolled in Medicaid Disability/MASI due to the fact that their child receives SSI.

We have previously posted information that families have freedom of choice to remain on HHW if they are eligible and not receiving home and community based services through the waiver program:

We sought clarification from FSSA about what families should do to remain on Hoosier Healthwise if they are eligible and wish to do so:

Individuals do have the option to opt for another category of Medicaid if eligible.  To make this request, families should contact the Division of Family Resources (DFR).  Families can contact their local DFR office by logging on to: and entering their zip code, or search by county.  Families can also contact DFR by telephone at 1-800-403-0864.

Families are welcome to contact Family Voices Indiana for help with this process. There are considerations for families in choosing the type of Medicaid their child receives.

If the DFR is not responsive to your request, or you have incurred charges from providers due to the auto-enroll, feel free to contact us.

317 944 8982


Unknown said…
Could someone please tell me the difference between disability medicaid and regular?
You are welcome to call us for a more thorough overview, but in general, HHW is managed care and you have to stay within a provider network associated with the care management organization you choose. HHW also covers ABA. Medicaid Disability is for the aged, blind, disabled population. It has a broader provider network. However, even though Medicaid Disability should cover ABA under EPSDT, most providers do not accept it. Families need to weigh the benefits under the different types of Medicaid.
Anonymous said…
I would like "to weigh the benefits under the different types of Medicaid" as you suggest. But how do I find out the differences in benefits in order to compare and make a decision?
You can find information about eligibility and benefits at Or, you're welcome to contact us: 317 944 8982