We're excited to announce that Family Voices Indiana will continue to serve another year as the family health information center for the state. We dedicate part of our HRSA funding to support family leadership. This funding will continue to be available though May 31, 2015.
From its inception, Family Voices has been committed to leadership training. Recognized as expert stakeholders by government and private leaders, families of children with special health care needs and/or disabilities should be key players in improving state policies that impact them. We encourage families to work with state agencies, to sit on state and local government advisory commissions, and to participate in the legislative process.
Unlike most other groups, this unique community of families also requires child-care stipends, and travel money. Therefore, to support this participation, the family to family health information center at Family Voices Indiana has created the Family Leadership Development Fund. The Family Leadership Development Fund will assist families to participate in activities (public forums and meetings, task forces and work groups, etc.) that are intended to solicit public/consumer input and perspective concerning disability-related public policy, programs and services.
Parents who request to participate in formal meetings, committees, task force, etc. may receive a stipend, if approved. The following stipulations generally apply:
• must be the parent of a child with disabilities and/or special health care needs
• must have no other paid affiliation or role with the organization hosting the formal meeting, committee, task force, etc.
• must not be participating with the financial support of another program
• events or activities of 4 hours or less/day (including travel) may be reimbursed $50
• events or activities of more than 4 hours/day (including travel) may be reimbursed $100
• families may access this for stipends totaling $250/yr
• priority will be given to families who agree to write a summary of the mtg for Family Voices
• An email or signed letter of verification from the head of the agency or organization sponsoring the activity to Family Voices Indiana
To apply for this funding, please request an application from Family Voices Indiana by calling 317 944 8982 or emailing Jennifer@fvindiana.org