Public Comment: Transition/Renewal Plan for CIH #Waiver

Family Voices shares the following announcement from DDRS:

From: Nicole Norvell, Director, Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services 
Re: Community Integration & Habilitation Waiver Renewal and Transition Plan; Opportunity for public 
Date: July 7, 2014 
The Family and Social Services Administration’s (FSSA) Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services 
(DDRS) and the Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP) have developed a high level transition 
plan on how Indiana plans to meet the new Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) rules. 
The transition plan will include how DDRS will review state standards, rules and policies; how DDRS will 
assess community based settings and a timeline for doing so; a timeframe for the completion of a 
comprehensive transition plan; a process for bringing all HCBS settings into compliance and a plan for 
ensuring the health and safety of individuals. 
To support the transition plan process, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has 
reviewed a draft of Indiana’s plan and provided valuable feedback. Now, stakeholders are being asked 
to provide public input and comment in order to allow Indiana to develop a comprehensive assessment 
The high level transition plan and the Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) Waiver application 
will be submitted to the CMS no later than August 15, 2014. DDRS has posted the transition plan, for 
review and comment, on the Draft Policies for Public Comment webpage
Comments and suggestions will be received for a period of 30 days, ending on August 7, 2014, and may 
be emailed to or submitted in writing to: 
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services 
402 W. Washington St., Rm. W451 
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2243 
