In the 2013-2014 legislative session, 21 states passed or considered legislation or appropriations related to Mental Health First Aid. These included appropriations to support Mental Health First Aid activities, teacher training requirements, and more. In addition to standard legislative efforts, states and community advocates have collaborated to find creative approaches to implement Mental Health First Aid, including applying for federal and private grants and finding new partners (such as religious leaders, public safety entities, social service agencies, librarians, veteran’s organizations, and college health services).
The National Council updated the Mental Health First Aid State Policy Toolkit for 2014 to help you learn about actions you can take in your state to get the attention of policymakers and other community stakeholders. Advocates and policymakers can use the toolkit to help support state-level efforts to enact Mental Health First Aid policies.
- Sample bill language;
- Examples of potential executive actions to support Mental Health First Aid;
- Talking points, fact sheets, and other informational resources;
- Sample op-ed and other media resources; and
- Strategies for success in planning and carrying out a Mental Health First Aid initiative in your state.
The toolkit also includes a 2013-2014 State Policy Tracking Chart to outline what bills and appropriations were successfully implemented and those that died in the legislature this past year.
Read the executive summary or download the full toolkit.
Have any questions or comments about the toolkit? Contact Tramaine Stevenson, Director of Mental Health First Aid Operations.
Mental Health First Aid USA is coordinated by the National Council for Behavioral Health, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the Missouri Department of Mental Health. For more information,