Here are some other ACA resources available from the Kaiser Family Foundation:
Understanding Health Insurance: Consumer Resources
- Understanding Health Insurance: Consumer Resources (Updated Web Page)
- Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator (Interactive)
- Health Insurance Explained: The YouToons Have It Covered (Video)
- Health Reform Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Health Insurance Quiz (Quiz)
- Health Coverage, HIV & You (Web Portal)
- Analysis of 2015 Premium Changes in ACA Marketplaces (Issue Brief)
Slide show on Medical and Prescription Drug Deductibles for Plans Offered in Federally Facilitated and Partnership Marketplaces for 2015
This Kaiser Family Foundation slide show provides an initial look at the deductibles for medical care and the specific deductibles applied to prescription drugs for the plans offered in the federally facilitated and partnership Marketplaces available on The amounts are simple averages of the plans available (see Methods). The amounts are shown separately by metal level ("Bronze," "Silver," "Gold," and "Platinum"). Deductible amounts are shown separately for plans where medical spending and prescription drug spending are both subject to the same deductible (called "combined) and for plans where there are separate deductibles for medical spending and prescription drug spending (called "separate"). Not surprisingly, deductibles tend to decrease as one moves from the levels with lower actuarial values ("Bronze" and "Silver") to the higher levels. The slides do not show the deductibles for silver plans that provide reduced cost sharing for people with low incomes (e.g., people receiving cost-sharing subsidies). Many people in Marketplace plans receive these subsidies, and would not be subject to the deductible amounts shown in the slides. Kaiser will be releasing a more complete analysis that has information for these plans and for the other types of cost sharing (e.g., copayments, coinsurance amounts) in the near future.
Resource for Those Helping Consumers with Private Insurance Issues
The Center on Health Insurance Reforms of the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute has developed an extensive Navigator Resource Guide focused on the private insurance reforms of the Affordable Care Act, including the health insurance marketplaces, rating, benefit and cost structures, and premium tax credits. The Guide is organized into sections that address how individuals may present themselves to Navigators, based on their insurance status and coverage options - uninsured, currently covered or with an offer from an employer, small business employers and those with post-enrollment questions.