Steps Consumers Need to Take When Switching #ACA Plans

Consumers who enrolled in marketplace coverage during 2014 need to take action during Open Enrollment (OE)2 to #StayCovered with the right amount of financial help and in a plan that meets their needs and budget. After walking through the three simple steps to renewal, some consumers may decide to keep their current plan for 2015, and others may find and sign up for a different plan.
For consumers switching plans for 2015, there are some important steps they need to take:
  1. Contact their 2014 issuer to inform them that they are not renewing their plan for 2015. Doing so will let the issuer know that they decided to enroll in another plan.
  2. Update their payment settings with their issuer. Consumers that opted to pay their premiums automatically (through auto-payment) should take this step to avoid duplicate billing.
Here’s why these steps are important:
Each marketplace issuer in states with a federally facilitated marketplace (FFM) will not receive any notification from the FFM when a current enrollee chooses not to renew their plan. As a result, some consumers that switch plans during OE2 (to a new plan with a new issuer or a new plan with their current issuer) may find that they are enrolled in two marketplace plans for 2015. To avoid unnecessary bills or charges, it is critical that consumers call their insurance company to notify them that they are switching to a new plan.
In-person assisters and Consumer Assistance Programs (CAPs) will remain key resources for consumers that need additional support as they complete this process, as well as other enrollment and renewal processes.
