Each day in America. . .
865 babies are born at low birthweight,
1,241 babies are born without health insurance,
1,392 babies are born into extreme poverty,
159 babies are born who will be diagnosed with autism,
Every 4 1/2 minutes a baby is born with a birth defect,
1 in 3 babies born will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime,
Families of 1,389,547 children will spend an average of 2 hours providing needed care for their child, and
1,365,209 children have health care providers who only sometimes or never listen to their families.
865 babies are born at low birthweight,
1,241 babies are born without health insurance,
1,392 babies are born into extreme poverty,
159 babies are born who will be diagnosed with autism,
Every 4 1/2 minutes a baby is born with a birth defect,
1 in 3 babies born will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime,
Families of 1,389,547 children will spend an average of 2 hours providing needed care for their child, and
1,365,209 children have health care providers who only sometimes or never listen to their families.
ONE IN FIVE children have a special health care need.
As the Family to Family Health Information Center for Indiana, we help families like these every day. Family Voices Indiana is a family-led organization that provides information, education, training, outreach, and peer support to families of children and youth with special health care needs and the professionals who serve them.
As the Family to Family Health Information Center for Indiana, we help families like these every day. Family Voices Indiana is a family-led organization that provides information, education, training, outreach, and peer support to families of children and youth with special health care needs and the professionals who serve them.
If you or someone you know needs assistance with health care financing for a child with special health care needs, please contact us. You will be connected with a health information specialist that best meets your needs. (Tenemos los especialistas que hablan español, si está necesitado.) Call us at 317.944.8982 or email info@fvindiana.org.
If you'd like to support our work, please consider a donation.Thank you!