The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) is pleased to announce the publication of two new fact sheets for the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC). “What to Know When Assisting a Consumer who has a Child or Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSCHN)” is intended to help Navigators identify what issues are unique to children and youth with special health care needs so that they can assist their families as they make decisions related to their healthcare coverage. This fact sheet can be found here. Special thanks to Family Voices for their authorship of this fact sheet. This fact sheet is the latest in a series of new fact sheets that the NDNRC is releasing which provide navigators and other enrollment specialists with information they need to help these specific populations within the disability community. Previous population specific fact sheets which we released are as follows:
- What to Know When Assisting Children and Adults in the Autism Community
- What to Know When Assisting a Consumer with Intellectual Disability
- What to Know When Assisting a Consumer with Mental Illness
- What to Know When Assisting a Consumer with Multiple Sclerosis
- Information for Veterans Regarding Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare
We are also excited to announce the release of our latest topical fact sheet. “Tips for ACA Enrollees: From Coverage to Care - Persons with Disabilities” is intended to be a document that navigators can provide to people with disabilities to assist them in using their new insurance coverage consistent with the CMS "Coverage to Care" initiative. This fact sheet can be found here. This fact sheet adds to the series of topical fact sheets released in year one which have addressed issues such as a health plans’ summary of benefits and coverage, rehabilitation and habilitation therapies and devices, and prescription medication benefits. The entire list of fact sheets (along with upcoming fact sheets) is also available here.
Feel free to contact Family Voices Indiana for more information: 317 944 8982