#ACA Coverage Fact Sheet in Spanish; Info about #HIP

from NDNRC:

Last month when we announced Fact Sheet #16 "Tips for ACA Enrollees: From Coverage to Care - Persons with Disabilities," we indicated that it was designed to be handed out directly to consumers for their use. Given the fact that the consumer was the end-user, the NDNRC decided that we should also make this fact sheet available in Spanish. We are excited to announce that a Spanish version of the Coverage to Care Fact Sheet is now available. Special thanks to our 2014 intern, Nataly Johanson for preparing the translation and also thanks to Oliver Vera of the Oregon Health Authority for his input. Fact Sheet #16 can be found here and the Spanish version can be downloaded here.

Last month, it was announced that CMS and Indiana had reached an agreement on Medicaid expansion. (Read our news story about it by clicking here.) If you’re wondering about the details of this expansion and what it means, the Kaiser Family Foundation has released a Fact Sheet providing all the details. That fact sheet can be found here. It can also be found on our Indiana page under “State Specific Resources” by clicking here.

All Available Fact Sheets:
The entire list of fact sheets (along with upcoming fact sheets) is also available here.
Are you looking for local partners to help with outreach to the disability community? The NDNRC has funded eleven Community Outreach Collaboratives (COCs) for the second year of enrollment. The COCs will increase collaborations in the community, dissemination and outreach efforts and enrollment of people with disabilities in the ACA. To find a COC, click here.

The NDNRC is an initiative aimed at providing cross-disability information and support to Navigators and other enrollment specialists thereby ensuring people with disabilities receive accurate information when selecting and enrolling in insurance through the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces. The NDNRC website can be found at: http://www.nationaldisabilitynavigator.org/.
