Action Alert: Contact Your Legislator about Children's Special Health Care Services #INLegis

Family Voices Indiana shares the following information about CSHCS and potential changes to the program:

Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)
Indiana Children's Special Health Care Services provides supplemental medical coverage to help families of children who have serious, chronic medical conditions, age birth to 21 years of age, who meet the program's financial and medical criteria, pay for treatment related to their child's condition.  A family with an income, before taxes, no greater than 250% of the federal poverty level may be eligible for the program. It is often called a gap filler because it pays in addition to a family’s insurance and often is the difference between a child having inadequate or adequate coverage.  In short, it closes the gaps faced by underinsured families.

Language is being suggested that would move the program from its home at the Indiana State Department of Health to the Family and Social Services Administration Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning, and to “study” the future of the program.

Action Step:
Call and Email your State Senator and Representative today to explain the this small program is different and critically important to Hoosier families raising children who have special health care needs. 
You can find your legislators at:
You can call your  Representative at (800) 382-9842
You can call your Senator at (800) 382-9467

Sample Messages:
I am NAME, I live in your district, my family include a child who has a special health care need (you can name the diagnosis) Children's Special Health Care Services helped my family by cutting our high out of pocket expenses.  It is important to families like mine that this program continues.   Please do not support language to move or change this program.

I am NAME, I live in your district, I serve children who have  special health care needs in my work as  (name your job/role). Children's Special Health Care Services helps many families I serve  by cutting their  high out of pocket expenses.  It is important to the  families I serve  that this program continues.   Please do not support language to move or change this program.

I am NAME, I live in your district, I care about children who have  special health care needs in my work community. Children's Special Health Care Services helps many families  by cutting their  high out of pocket expenses.  It is important to the  families my community   that this program continues.   Please do not support language to move or change this program.

Bonus Action Steps:
We know that legislators need to hear from 30-50 people about an issue.  Ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family and contacts to email and call, too.  Use social media and direct messages to spread the request.
