Protecting Your Child from Sexual Abuse

Family Voices Indiana shares this resource, created by our specialist Heather Dane.

Children who have been identified as having a disability are at an increased risk for becoming victims of sexual abuse. It is estimated that children with disabilities are 2.9 times more likely than children without disabilities to be sexually abused. Within those disabilities, children with intellectual and mental health disabilities are at 4.6 times the risk of their non-disabled peers for sexual abuse. (Smith & Harrell, 2013) 

Identifying signs and symptoms in children with disabilities can often be difficult due to the nature of the disability. It is important to know how to best protect your child, know when to become concerned, and understand what to do in situations that are cause for concern. This guide is intended to give parents tools and resources needed to protect their child(ren). Please remember that each child and situation is unique therefore each family may need to modify to fit their individual needs. 

The guide is embedded below, but you can also access it here.
