Founded in 1970, the Riley Child Development Center (RCDC) has served Indiana’s children and their families for more than 40 years. The RCDC provides interdisciplinary diagnosis, treatment and follow up of children from infancy to adulthood that have known or suspected developmental delays, behavior and/or learning problems and stressful life situations. The center is located at Riley Hospital for Children, and is a program of the IU School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics.
The RCDC is part of a national network of training programs that provide intensive interdisciplinary assessment services funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.The center’s mission is to support the independence, productivity and integration into the community of all citizens across the lifespan with neuro-developmental and related disabilities.
Who is eligible for Training at the RCDC?
The RCDC offers practicum, internship, & fellowship training for the students in the following disciplines:
Audiology Nutrition
Child Psychiatry Occupational Therapy
Pediatric Dentistry Physical Therapy
Family Leadership Pediatrics
Health Administration Pediatric Neurology
Law & Ethics Psychology
Medical Genetics Social Work
Nursing Special Education
Speech / Language Pathology
About the Training
Trainees dedicate at least 300 hours within a 12 month period to a combination of learning, research and leadership experience as related to children and youth who have neurodevelopmental disabilities including Autism. Trainees attend monthly Leadership Didactic Sessions topics on such as typical and atypical child development. Beyond the didactic session we have significant flexibility around days or the weeks trainees meet those hours and the commitment. Some portion of the hours can be fulfilled offsite. A small stipend is available for trainees in an effort to support the commitment. Trainees, in partnership with their supervisor, develop an individualized training plan with goals related to: clinical services (assessment, diagnosis, & intervention), advocacy and public policy,research methods, and use of technology.
How to Apply
An application packet can be requested by contacting:
Rylin Rodgers
Training Director
Riley Child Development Center
705 Riley Hospital Drive, Room 5837
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5225
Completed applications are reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Team. Candidates may be contacted for an interview to discuss specific learning goals and possible match with the RCDC Training Program.