Families have been told in the past that a child under 6 can apply for the Family Supports Waiver, but would only be given provisional eligibility until age 6 when an assessment could be done. At that time, the original application date was to be honored for the waiting list. However, with the shorter wait times for the waiver, children under 6 are potentially being "targeted" for services now.
Families are encouraged to contact BDDS and ensure their child is on the waiting list for the Family Supports Waiver if they applied prior to age 6.
You can find a list of BDDS offices here: http://www.in.gov/fssa/files/BDDS.pdf
Feel free to contact us is you need more information or would like to apply for a waiver: 317 944 8982 info@fvindiana.org
The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration has removed a barrier for families of young children applying for the Family Supports Waiver. Children under the age of 6 can now apply for the FSW and be added to the waiting list, rather than having to wait until the age of six to officially be added to the waiting list. This change provides a clearer and less confusing path for young children and their families to receive the supports they need.