child. One of those considerations, if appropriate, should be employment. As the case conference committee identifies specific employment related transition goals, it is important to consider some of the following:
- helping the student learn about and explore career options;
- discussing the wishes of the student and family regarding the type of employment that may be desired at the conclusion of formal education;
- including a variety of work-related experiences such as community job training as part of the transition IEP;
- discussing the supports that may be needed to work in the type of jobs in which the student may be interested; and
- exploring school experiences and activities that might assist the student in acquiring desired skills.
There are many skills that will be needed for successful employment: communication, interpersonal, decision-making, and lifelong learning. You can find tip sheets on helping your child develop these skills here and here.
There are several agencies that can help support employment for an individual with special health care needs and/or disabilities:
Independent Living Centers
Indiana Association of People Supporting Employment (APSE)
Vocational Rehabilitation
If you need additional resources, feel free to contact Family Voices Indiana: 317 944 8982