Family Voices shares the following opportunity for families to share their voice:
The state of Indiana is accepting public comment on the Part C State Plan and Attachments for the First Steps Early Intervention System.
The plan is on file with the Bureau of Child Development Services, 402 West Washington Street, MS 51, Indianapolis, IN 46204 and is available online at
Interested persons and organizations may also submit written comments for state review by close of business on June 30, 2015. Written comments should include the name, title, and address of the commentator; the specific part of the proposed rule on which comments are being made; and the specific recommended actions to be taken. Written comments should be directed to: First Steps Early Intervention System, Attn: FS Application, Bureau of Child Development Services, 402 W. Washington St., MS51, Indianapolis, IN 46204; or comments can be e-mailed to
Public hearings to take comment will also be held on:
June 10, 2015: 10:00 – 12:00 Noon - Indiana Government Center South, 402 W. Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204, in Conference Room 14.
June 12, 2015: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. - Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana University, 1905 North Range Road, Bloomington, IN, 47408, Conference Room B. If attending, please visit the administration office to sign-in and obtain a parking permit.
Any requests for accommodations should be made at least one week in advance by e-mailing First Steps staff at