CIH Waiver Amendment

DDRS released this announcement regarding the CIH waiver amendement. We've highlighted the parts we feel are most relevant to families, but you can read the entire announcement here:

Effective July 1, 2015, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has approved the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s request to amend the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (CIH), which is administered by the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS).

Services changes:
 Adult Day Services - removed requirement for 3-hour minimum and now allows billing in quarter hour units from one quarter hour unit up to the maximum 12-hours per day
 Community Based Habilitation - Individual (CHIO) - will be limited to ten (10) hours per month from their residential provider for participants who also utilize Residential Habilitation and Support (RHS) Daily services
 Electronic Monitoring - previously prohibited all utilization with RHS service, but may now be used as a component of the new RHS Daily service, although Electronic Monitoring may not be separately billed when utilized as a component of RHS Daily
 Extended Services - a new service replacing Supported Employment Follow Along (SEFA) services as of July 1, 2015, with clarification of activities applicable to group services.
 Facility Based Habilitation(Group & Individual) - clarified language from requiring delivery in a "DDRS-approved facility" to "in the facility of a DDRS-approved provider"
 Prevocational services – added prohibition for overlapping utilization with Extended Services effective July 1, 2015, and applicable only to new enrollees and other waiver participants who are not utilizing a combination of SEFA and Prevocational services as of June 30, 2015
 Support Employment Follow Along (SEFA) - to be replaced by Extended Services effective July 1, 2015
 Residential Habilitation and Support - modified due to addition of RHS Daily services effective July 1, 2015
 RHS Daily services - added as a new residential service with a daily billing structure effective July 1, 2015
 Transportation - clarified that Transportation may be used to access places of employment
 Workplace Assist

For more information about the CIH Waiver or the CIH Waiver Transition Plan, please see the DDRS Announcements page.
Questions about the CIH amendment or the CIH waiver program should be directed to 1-800-545-7763 or to
