Public Comment and Feedback
Changes to the CIH waiver will help build a sustainable system of supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Below is a schedule of meetings across the state for providers, families, advocates and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The purpose of these events is to gather input on what is working well and thoughts on what residential supports and services people want to help them in achieving their desired outcomes and goals.
*Hosting location time for providers is 3:00-5:00 and for families it is 6:00-8:00.
Changes to the CIH waiver will help build a sustainable system of supports and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Below is a schedule of meetings across the state for providers, families, advocates and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The purpose of these events is to gather input on what is working well and thoughts on what residential supports and services people want to help them in achieving their desired outcomes and goals.
*Hosting location time for providers is 3:00-5:00 and for families it is 6:00-8:00.