#Waiverwise: Behavior Supports

Waiver services should be person centered. You will create a Service Plan within the budget limit ( $16,545 annually for FSW). There is more information available on this process in the waiver manual.

More information, including service costs, available in the manual:

 Behavioral Support Services Service Definition

Behavioral Support Services means training, supervision, or assistance in appropriate expression of emotions and desires, compliance, assertiveness, acquisition of socially appropriate behaviors, and the reduction of inappropriate behaviors. 

Reimbursable activities of Behavioral Support Services include 
 Observation of the individual and environment for purposes of development of a plan and to determine baseline 
 Development of a behavioral support plan and subsequent revisions 
 Obtain consensus of the individualized support team (IST) that the behavioral support plan is feasible for implementation 
 Training in assertiveness 
 Training in stress reduction techniques 
 Training in the acquisition of socially accepted behaviors 
 Training staff, family members, roommates, and other appropriate individuals on the implementation of the behavioral support plan 
 Consultation with team members

Activities Not Allowed 
The following activities are not allowed: 
 Aversive techniques – any techniques not approved by the individual’s person-centered planning team and the provider’s HRC.  Therapy services furnished to the participant within the educational/school setting or as a component of the participant’s school day.  Services furnished to a minor by parent(s), stepparent(s), or legal guardian.  Services furnished to a participant by the participant’s spouse.  Simultaneous receipt of facility-based support services or other Medicaid-billable services and intensive behavior supports
