#Waiverwise: Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver Eligibility

Effective September 1, 2012, entering the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program known as the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver (CIH Waiver) requires the individual to meet and be approved for certain federally approved priority criteria known as reserved waiver capacity categories within the CIH Waiver. 

 To move onto the needs-based CIH Waiver, an individual must meet and be approved for the specific priority criteria of at least one of the following categories: 
 Eligible individuals transitioning to the community from a nursing facility (NF), Extensive Support Needs Home (ESN), or a State-Operated Facility (SOF) 
 Eligible individuals determined to no longer need/receive active treatment in Supervised Group Living (SGL) 
 Eligible individuals transitioning from 100% State-funded services 
 Eligible individuals aging out of Department of Education (DOE), Department of Child Services (DCS), or SGL 
 Eligible individuals choosing to leave an ICF/IID 
 Eligible individuals meeting the following emergency placement criteria: 
 Death of a primary caregiver when there is no other caregiver available, or 
 Caregiver over 80 years of age when there is no other caregiver available, or  Evidence of abuse or neglect in the current institutional or SGL placement, or 
 Extraordinary health and safety risk as reviewed and approved by the division director  Individuals, their legal representatives, or other persons acting on their behalf must request and apply for a priority waiver slot when it appears that the individual meets the specific criteria of one or more reserved waiver capacity categories. 
It is necessary to complete an application and submit the application to the local DDRS/BBDS office to apply for HCBS waiver services


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