#Waiverwise: Intensive Behavioral Intervention

Waiver services should be person centered. You will create a Service Plan within the budget limit ( $16,545 annually for FSW). There is more information available on this process in the waiver manual.

More information, including service costs, available in the manual:

Intensive Behavioral Intervention

Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) is a highly specialized, individualized program of instruction and behavioral intervention. IBI is based upon a functional, behavioral and/or skills assessment of an individual’s treatment needs. The primary goal of IBI is to reduce behavioral excesses, such as tantrums and acting-out behaviors, and to increase or teach replacement behaviors that have social value for the individual and increase access to their community. Program goals are accomplished by the application of research-based interventions. 

Generally, IBI addresses manifestations that are amenable to change in response to specific, carefully programmed, constructive interactions with the environment.  
IBI must include 
 A detailed functional/behavioral assessment 
 Reinforcement 
 Specific and ongoing objective measurement of progress 
 Family training and involvement so that skills can be generalized and communication promoted 
 Emphasis on the acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of new behaviors across other environments and with other people 
 Training of caregivers, IBI direct care staff, and providers of other waiver services 
 Breaking down targeted skills into small, manageable, and attainable steps for behavior change 
 Utilizing systematic instruction, comprehensible structure, and high consistency in all areas of programming 
 Provision for one-on-one structured therapy 
 Treatment approach tailored to address the specific needs of the individual 

 Skills training under IBI must include 
 Measurable goals and objectives (specific targets may include appropriate social interaction, negative or problem behavior, communication skills, and language skills) 
 Heavy emphasis on skills that are prerequisites to language (attention, cooperation, imitation) 
