Waiver services should be person centered. You will create a Service Plan within the budget limit ( $16,545 annually for FSW). There is more information available on this process in the waiver manual.
More information, including service costs, available in the manual:
Respite Care services are services provided to participants unable to care for themselves. Respite Care services are furnished on a short-term basis in order to provide temporary relief to those unpaid persons normally providing care. Respite can be provided in the participant’s home or place of residence, in the respite caregiver’s home, in a camp setting, in a DDRSapproved day habilitation facility, or in a non-private residential setting (such as a respite home).
Reimbursable Activities:
Assistance with toileting and feeding
Assistance with daily living skills, including assistance with accessing the community and community activities
Assistance with grooming and personal hygiene
Meal preparation, serving, and cleanup
Administration of medications
Individual services
Group services (unit rate divided by number of participants served)
Respite Nursing Care (RN) or Respite Nursing Care (LPN) services may be delivered only when skilled care is required
The following activities are not allowed under Respite services:
Reimbursement for room and board
Services provided to a participant living in a licensed facility-based setting
The cost of registration fees or the cost of recreational activities (for example, camp)
When the service of SFC is being furnished to the participant
Other family members (such as siblings of the participant) may not receive care or supervision from the provider while
Respite care is being provided/billed for the waiver participants
Respite care shall not be used as day/child care
Respite is not intended to be provided on a continuous, long-term basis as part of daily services that would enable the
unpaid caregiver to go to work or to attend school
Respite care shall not be used to provide service to a participant while the participant is attending school
Respite care may not be used to replace skilled nursing services that should be provided under the Medicaid State Plan
Respite care must not duplicate any other service being provided under the participant’s POC/CCB
Services furnished to a minor by a parent(s), stepparent(s), or legal guardian
Services furnished to a participant by the participant’s spouse