Waiver services should be person centered. You will create a Service Plan within the budget limit ( $16,545 annually for FSW). There is more information available on this process in the waiver manual.
More information, including service costs, available in the manual:
Workplace Assistance
Workplace Assistance services provide a range of personal care services and/or supports during paid competitive community employment hours and in a competitive community employment setting to enable waiver participants to accomplish tasks that they would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability. Assistance may take the form of hands-on assistance (actually performing a personal care task for the participant) or prompting the participant to perform a personal care task. Workplace Assistance services may be provided on an episodic or on a continuous basis. Workplace Assistance services are designed to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the participant, thereby assisting in the retention of paid employment for the participant who is paid at or above the federal minimum wage.
Reimbursable activities under Workplace Assistance services include the following:
Direct supervision, monitoring, training, education, demonstration, or support to assist with personal care while on the job or at the job site (may include assistance with meals, hygiene, toileting, transferring, maintaining continence, administration of medication, and so forth)
May be used in conjunction with SEFA Services
May be utilized with each hour the participant is engaged in paid competitive community employment
The following are limitations on Workplace Assistance services:
Allowed Ratio – Individual, one client to one staff. Reimbursement for Workplace Assistance services is available only during the participant’s hours of paid, competitive community employment. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for observation or supervision of the participant for the purpose of teaching job tasks or to ascertain the success of the job placement. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for offsite monitoring when the monitoring directly relates to maintaining a job. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for the provision of skilled job trainers who accompany the participant for shortterm job skill training at the work site to help maintain employment. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for regular contact and/or follow-up with the employers, participants, parents, family members, guardians, advocates or authorized representatives of the participants, or other appropriate professional or informed advisors, in order to reinforce and stabilize the job placement. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for the facilitation of natural supports at the work site. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for individual program development, writing tasks analyses, monthly reviews, termination reviews, or behavioral intervention programs. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for advocating for the participant. Workplace Assistance is NOT to be used for staff time in traveling to and from a work site.