Indiana's Interagency Coordinating Council on Infants and Toddlers (ICC), which was first convened in 1987, is appointed by the Governor to advise and assist the Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) (the Lead Agency) in its responsibilities.Indiana Administrative Code then transferred these responsibilities to the Bureau of Child Development Services (BCDS) within DDRS. At least one-fifth of the ICC members are parents of children 12 years old or younger with disabilities or developmental delays. Other members include state agency groups, public and private early intervention service providers, legislators, pre-service professionals, and others. The ICC is committed to holding the vision of First Steps Early Intervention Services in Indiana and to keeping abreast of issues, concerns and trends that may affect First Steps in the future.
If you know a parent of a child (12 years old or younger) with disabilities or developmental delays that would be interested in serving on the ICC, please forward on the following information and encourage them to apply here.
Meeting Dates:
All meetings are held at Easter Seals Crossroads: 4740 Kingsway Drive, Indianapolis, IN and the public is encouraged to attend. Please contact Michael Conn-Power at least two weeks prior to the meeting date if special accommodations or interpretative services are required.
2016 Meeting Dates:
- January 13, 2016
- March 16, 2016
- May, 18, 2016
- August 17, 2016
- November 16, 2016
The Family Voices Indiana Leadership Development Fund can support a parent to attend these meetings. For more information, contact 317 944 8982