Last year, the NDNRC released a series of videos entitled "Health Insurance Jeopardy" (the summary blog of that series can be found here). We are proud to announce that we are releasing a new series entitled "Health Insurance Jeopardy Round 2 - Double Jeopardy." This new video series will be released over the next week and is based on our population specific fact sheets. The videos will be posted on our YouTube channel which can be accessed here and individual links to each video can be found on our "Webinars/Presentations" page here. To read more about what will be covered in this new series or to watch the first video on intellectual disabilities, check out our new story by clicking here.
In case you missed it last week, the NDNRC presented on a webinar entitled “The Affordable Care Act and Persons with Disabilities: An Introduction and Overview Webinar.” That webinar has been archived, so to access the recording or slides, check out our news item by clicking here. The slides and recording links are also available on our “Webinars/Presentations” page.