DDRS Listening Session Webinar 10.6

The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) staff will host a webinar on October 6, 2016 as part of the division’s Family Listening Sessions.

The webinar is intended to: 
 Seek feedback from families and self-advocates regarding their needs and ways DDRS can support opportunities for individuals with disabilities to maximize their full potential and participate in their families and community; 
 Provide information to key stakeholders about the LifeCourse Framework initiative; and 
 Share details on new federal laws impacting individuals with disabilities. 

Details on how to access the webinar and call-in information is listed below. 

Family Listening Session webinar October 6, 2016 - 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  URL: https://indiana.adobeconnect.com/ddrs 
o Participants will sign in as a guest using their name. 
 Audio will be voice over internet, so participants will need to use speakers or headphones to hear the presentation. 
 Telephone access for questions/comments will be available at 1-877-422-1931; 2862446158# 
 Prior to the webinar, participants can go to http://webinar.isl.in.gov/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm to test their connection. 
This will prompt the user with any needed updates or add-ins. 

 Do not log into the webinar using Citrix or Virtual Private Network (VPN). These services will not be able to playback audio.

