To: Supervised Group Living Providers
From: Cathy Robinson, Director, Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services
Date: February 28, 2017
Re: Individual informed choice and day service options
The purpose of this notice is to define individual informed choice in day service selection for individuals residing in supervised group living settings to ensure adherence to person centered practices. It is also intended to further clarify the role of supported group living providers in ensuring the consumers have an opportunity to make an informed choice, which the provider is required to honor. “Informed Choice” means a consumer has a right to determine, to the maximum extent possible, the services the consumer wants and the provider the consumer wants to deliver those services.
Supervised Group Living Providers are responsible for coordinating residential and vocational services for individuals living in group homes. The interdisciplinary team, which includes the service providers, individual, guardian/advocate, and the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services service coordinator, is responsible for reviewing individual support needs and goals to develop the individual support plan. In accordance with 460 IAC 9-3-4 and the person centered planning process and best practices, individuals are entitled to be given choice regarding their day services options and vocational prospects. The interdisciplinary team is responsible for assuring informed choice including providing information, evaluating the capacity to understand the information, and obtaining a decision from the individual. Decisions related to starting, stopping or changing service providers needs to include interdisciplinary team documentation and evidence that the individual’s preferences were taken into consideration.
The purpose of this notice is to define individual informed choice in day service selection for individuals residing in supervised group living settings to ensure adherence to person centered practices. It is also intended to further clarify the role of supported group living providers in ensuring the consumers have an opportunity to make an informed choice, which the provider is required to honor. “Informed Choice” means a consumer has a right to determine, to the maximum extent possible, the services the consumer wants and the provider the consumer wants to deliver those services.
Supervised Group Living Providers are responsible for coordinating residential and vocational services for individuals living in group homes. The interdisciplinary team, which includes the service providers, individual, guardian/advocate, and the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services service coordinator, is responsible for reviewing individual support needs and goals to develop the individual support plan. In accordance with 460 IAC 9-3-4 and the person centered planning process and best practices, individuals are entitled to be given choice regarding their day services options and vocational prospects. The interdisciplinary team is responsible for assuring informed choice including providing information, evaluating the capacity to understand the information, and obtaining a decision from the individual. Decisions related to starting, stopping or changing service providers needs to include interdisciplinary team documentation and evidence that the individual’s preferences were taken into consideration.